Stupid! That was how my mathematics teacher called me once during my senior year in high school. I was in front of the class, on the board, having answered incorrectly a math problem he said was easy. Stunned and stupefied, I could not remember how long have I stood there. I thought my legs kept me from moving, when so many eyes were upon me, I was enveloped with embarrassment and numbness. After the class, I declined to have my lunch, afraid that my classmates would poke fun at me. And yes they did, behind me (which i would learn later). That was the turning point of my life with mathematics. I really could not blame my teacher. Mathematics was something I detest then, and it was my waterloo. But that unfortunate incident, it dawned upon me that I better put myself together and redeem myself. Not to prove to my teacher that I am what he thinks I am, I embarked on a journey. And this I did with mathematics as company. Years later, I earned my degree in mathematics. When it came to my t...
Life is an ocean of mystery. Deep within are thoughts roaming around trying to escape to give way to freedom. Read on and be part of a life that is lived fully well.
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