It has been a struggle. Often the beginning has always been difficult. The true rewards of longitude is the essence it maintains.
Are you still there? Are we still us?
Every relationship requires certain sacrifices from each other. The will to understand and the capacity to accept are matters that only the heart can afford. Sometimes it is better not to rationalize what we feel but allow the dictate of our emotions. Let alone be drown by the ecstasy of what it is all about. Yet still reality reckons us. It is like lightning cutting across the dark wide sky flashing the truth it wanted to address. Time and again, we always heard the adage that mind is above the heart. We should never forget. We should always think what we feel.
Days have gone us by so quickly. Without realizing the passage of time, we came to a threshold of ourselves. We embraced each moment as if catapulting the pinnacle of the shared feelings to eternity. We are for each other. We are each other.
There may be questions lingering in our minds. There may be doubts and conflicts. Yet we still remain. Love is beyond those questions, those doubts and those conflicts. It is even beyond ourselves.
What we have is each other. And that suffices to hold on to what we have.
I love you. And the years will prove how much I truly have.
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