My friend met Dennis, at last. They've met before but this meeting is different because they know it is something that they will remember for a long time, if not forever. That I do hope.
He is also out of the hospital. After battling with pneumonia for some time, my friend is now recuperating at home. I insisted he stays for few more days so he can really have a nice long respite from all the hassles around him.
During his stay in the hospital, I met Kuya Lengleng, his older brother, and wife Ate Precy. I also met Duut, his nephew, a son of Kuya Nestie and Ate Perla. Well, he is a nice guy and a happy father of three at 24. Imagine that. He has three kids at a tender age and I have none.
In the midst of our discussion, I happened to say again that at least, his life has meaning and directions because of his family. In life, we need to look at what we have to be thankful for and not those that we regret getting into. Life has upsides and downsides. Where ever we are now, at least, life has something to offer us. And we learn from those.
Outside our comfort zone, life defines us. We see our limitations, our weaknesses, our true colors. Outside this zone is someone we do not want others to know and to see. But there is no denying, he exists.
Everyday we get out of our homes and here we meet various challenges. We meet our fears, our waterloos. But each time, we also know our strengths, our capabilities. We meet our real selves, the hero inside of us.
It is always nice to go out in the open. The cold air that kisses your cheeks is refreshing. The warmth that kisses your skin rejuvenates the veins inside. The spirit glows with much gusto.
Ahh, life is so much fun when there is nothing to hide, when there are no extra baggages. It is good to get out of ourselves, out of our usual self, out to make a life better than how we know it.
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