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Turning 40

Less than a week from now, I will be facing the inevitable. Well, life they say begins at 40. People who know always tell me that. I wonder why. In a matter of days, I would be able to figure out exactly that. Exciting? Scary? That surely depends on how I see life.

As I ponder through my life, I can't help but ask, where have I been?, what have I done with life?, have I made the most of it?. Looking back, life is not always a bed of roses. I simply compare it to a box of chocolates (quoting Forrest Gump), "you do not know what you will get". I had my share of life's up and down (again quoting a line from a famous song) and through them my life is defined.

Blessings I have so much and if I do my math, there will be too much to count. I do not even know where to start. Life has been good to me. Though there were times that the thorns of the roses prick through my body, I consider them my learning moments. Those were the times when wisdom is polished and experience is enriched. Life is made better when sweetness and bitterness become united. Balance is a commodity difficult to find. People search for that balance, and to tell you, it is a never ending search.

As I go through this phase of life, some questions keep bugging me aside from those I mentioned earlier.How do the significant people in my life and peers see me? If I ask them this question, how will they answer me? To think of their responses would be a good gauge of how I spend my life. How others see me is how I manifest life.

To reinvent myself is to renew the vigor of my existence. There is still so much to give, to discover, to share. I would like to spend the rest of my days the way I envisioned it when I was young.

I know I am on my way. And I will make it sure to be there.


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