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I am not even sure whether your name starts with a J or a P. I always assume it's a J since all in the family have a J and that also gives us the same initials, JAC. The last time I saw you was when you brought your wife and child back home after a long absence. Destiny has it that you settle in Cebu and life goes on then. It has been some time since I talked to you.

As children, we have fond memories of those days gone by. I might not have been always with you those times but I was a witness to your struggles and difficulties, to your discovery of the real you and your world. I understand what you have gone through.

Sometimes I believe that I do not know how to be a big brother to you. At times, I just watched you in a corner, speechless, helpless, letting you on your own. I have to admit I was also afraid; afraid of something I could not understand. Life has so much intimidations and I think I was drown by them. With my own helplessness, I let you be. And you were on your own.

Yet deep inside, something tells me that you are a fighter, that you know how to be on your own and that life has so much for you. You never lose that confidence. You show me how to survive in a harsh world, a place where being different is ignored, and you are there.

I always appreciate how you took care of me, of how you make me feel being your big brother. Colleagues would often tell me how fortunate I am to have a brother bringing me freshly cooked meals in school, to neatly iron my clothes, to understand my inadequacies, to be just there.

I miss those days, when the days were young. I miss being with you. I saw you grew up into who you are now. They say you look like Dad, and you are. Just hope that time comes when you come home and build a new life with all of us. You have Marivic and Yan Yan. I do not have anybody but all of you.

Life blessed us with each other. Your life is your blessing. Live it well.

Happy birthday, bro! Miss you so much.


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