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A year after

There's truth in the adage that time passes by without us noticing it. We will only realize that time has been spent if we are seeking more for it. Think of a deadline. What have we done in between? Within the answer is the recognition whether we spent precious time wisely or otherwise.

It has been a year. I came to RECSAM before 5 in the afternoon of Friday, 2 December 2005. Then everybody was in a hush for CosMED. My arrival was barely noticed. In fact, nobody even thought of introducing me to the Centre Director and showing me around. The next day, I was in what what was to be my office for the next few months with Dr Cheah. We were standing by the door as Dr. Cheah, my former supervisor in a course I attended in the same institution, was explaining to me how the door works. An elegant lady approached us and we exchanged greetings. The funny thing is that she asked from where I am and that I came for the conference. Yes, I was in hurry to make it to the conference and present a paper. But on the other hand, there is a better reason for coming before the year was over. When she learned that I am the new staff, we had a good laugh. She could hardly recognize me having seen me for almost two years back. I could imagine how do I look then.

It has been a great recognition being called to work for the same institution where you have been a student. That gives me the impression that I must have done something right when I was here.

Everything over the past year has been great. From my first day to the present, I could not remember a time which I regretted coming. Though there were times of loneliness and emptiness, I would not consider any other position with my present responsibility. I love what I do. I love the challenges, the difficulties, the pressures that the job requires. As I share with participants what I know, I learn as much from the interaction and the experience. Dealing with people of different nationalities, with diverse background, makes me more sensitive of others. I feel I become more tolerant, compassionate and understanding.

The job requires me to travel and write papers. I found both enriching. Traveling allows me to actually feel and understand how it is to be in another country, have a feel of their hospitality, a taste of their own food, breath the air they breathe, trod the paths they trod, share their passion and sentiments, just being there. Writing papers allows me to discover that potential in me. I write but not much academically. Aside from the usual teacher notes and materials, I occassionally write simple research papers. But now I am concerned about producing a paper or two in every possible circumstance there is. Writing gives me the pleasure of exploring avenues which I have not been with before. And to top it all, these papers will then see its light in a conference. Amazing! That means I get to travel. See the connection. Both of them gets my feet moving. Though when I was in the office, my hands keep on moving as I write those papers, yet at the end it will make me move with enthusiasm and contentment.

Despite the odds, I manage and enjoy every moment of my stay. This opportunity has opened more doors for me that I could have imagined. It is not about new job offers or higher pay but about being able to discover my strengths, my limits, myself.

I love the people I am with. Our differences, our beliefs, our uniqueness become the bridge that connects us. We are enriched by our diversities.

My parents, my siblings, my loved ones and the significant others I know are happy for me. I owe them a lot. Their inspiration has given me so much push that I could not afford to let them down. And to all those who believe in me, in what I can be, I like to express my utmost gratitude and appreciation.

The best is yet to come.

And to Dr. Azian, the Centre Director, who has inspired me so much during these times, sent me this message after viewing my movie. The message as follows:

From: Azian_TSAbdullah(Recsam/ADM) Date: 12/1/2006 9:14:46 AM To:'jerome_chavez(Recsamprofessional)' Subject: RE: My memories of the past year

Dear Jerome,

You are a real gem in the RECSAM family. I’m glad that you found many enriching experiences during your 1 year stay here and I pray that you will have many more enriching and happy experiences in RECSAM.



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