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Yesterday at the Office

I was too upset. I felt that nobody would like me to push through with my plans. I am the course supervisor and I believe that I should have full control (depends on what it means). For the course, I want the participants to conduct a small scale study. I have done the visit and arrangement with the principal. The group also already agreed with the plan. However, these people I am supposed to work with and who are supposed to encourage me were the ones who were so discouraging. Accordingly, there should be no course work or try-out since the course will be for four weeks only. It was agreed upon on a meeting before I came.

I was never aware of such an agreement. Being unaware of whatever it was, I had the plan already made up. I presented this to the head. What he just said, if the group can do it and I think I can do it, then nobody will stop me. What an encouragement!

Then there was this big fuss over a small thing. Just because they were not able to conduct a study the last time would mean that I would have the same fate also. That is far from my mind. Ijust want the participants to experience how it is gonna be. I want them to feel the satisfaction of coming out with their ownresearch no matter how simple it may be.

I never want to show or prove anything to anybody. Just that. It so happen that I am so enthusiastic about the group and I believe that it can be done. It will never boil down to why has my group done this and the others had not.

I am new in thisjob. You had lots of opportunities before. Now let me have mine.


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