Since you were gone, I could not help but keep the pain. That is the only way to have you in my life. I have to admit life was not easy without you. No matter how I tried things always remind me of my days with you.
I avoid the songs we used to sing; yet still the melody lingers on. I refrain from going to places we have been; meeting people we got acquainted; doing the things we used to do.
Again and again, darkness clouded my days. I was a picture of misery. Life seems to ignore me. Life seems to forget I was alive. It was crazy. It was terribly painful.
But I could not remain in that state. I had to deal with it. With optimism, I know life has to go on. Despite the pain and the misery, I have to get the pieces of my life and start from where we have taken off.
Maybe I could not really live without you in my life. So I live with the pain. I nourish every moment that I think of you. Believe you me, each time I think about you, the pain was too much to bear but it makes me to be with you. Tears would well from my eyes and drown me with bitterness. Yet afterwards, a smile would be born. That reminds me I spent a moment with you…in my heart.
There was no other way to put it. I love you. And that is the only thing I know.
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